So I decided after doing my Top Openings this Summer, that I would try out doing Ending songs too. Here goes my top 5 Ending songs and 1 honourable mention.
Honourable Mention #1:
Ending 2 - Datte Atashi no Hero. (だってアタシのヒーロー。) by LiSA
Ending 1 - LAYon-theLINE by D-selections
Ending 1 - NEW WORLD by Yuuta Hashimoto (橋本裕太)
Ending 1 – Désir by GARNiDELiA
Ending 2 – Sayonara Moon Town (サヨナラムーンタウン) by Scenarioart
Ending 1 - Taiyou no Elegy (たいようの哀悼歌(エレジー)) by Flower
This season, the ending songs have been really surprising and I just had to do this list. The number 1 song, wins hands down, the only other competition is Boruto's ED but.. the note Flower sung.. blew my mind. Once again some songs, weren't available on YouTube due to copyright, so I had to do them, myself.
Hope to do another list like this in the Fall as it was very fun doing the endings.