Fall 2017 is over and done with, so is the year 2017, but I will talk about that in my next post... I am running slightly behind with posts.
I didn't actually finish a lot of Anime this season, as 1 was on going for a few season (
Boruto) and 2 were 20 something episodes long leading into next season/year. So in all I only finished 7 Anime, with 2 of them being so disappointing that I am only mentioning them to say how bad they were but also how good they could have been.
King's Game and
Evil or Live were two Anime I really thought could be something good but instead were something that I wished I never watched. There was some good moments in both Anime, mainly the opening songs and main characters. Both Anime had the potential to be the best Anime this season but blew it over rubbish pacing, bad Animation and rubbish story telling. With both Anime, the ending were rushed and disappointing. That is my two dishonourable mentions this season.
Now the negative is out the way, how about I tell you my top 5 Anime this season. This is how you create Anime.
This actually surprised me, on how much I actually ended up liking it. It has the same sort of cliche as any other Music/Idol genre but for some reason, having it focus on 4 bands at once and other things amongst that made it a little unique to me. The songs were amazing, vocals were spotless and the fact each band had a unique style was amazing. The last episode was doing really well, with how it showcased all the songs in 1 big concert. I would have preferred if they did the songs longer and stretched it over 2 episodes but we can't always get what we want. I nearly rated this 4 1/2 starts but I felt the cliche bit about it annoyed me at times. If another season comes about, I will check it out and most likely enjoy it. Idol Anime is always my guilty pleasure.
This was the other Anime that actually surprised me at times. Yes for the most part it was predictable and cheesy but other than those parts it was actually really enjoyable. The story line and pacing was actually really decent in my opinion and I loved the majority of the characters. The opening song is good and the ending song was perfect for the show. As I mentioned at the start the plot was slightly predictable, especially the ending, along with how cheesy it was. I am actually happy with how it ended but I felt if it had 24 episodes, it could have expanded and did a lot better. I doubt there will be a season two, but if one did appear, I would check it out.

I was very excited to watch season 2 of this amazing, funny show, but although it was good and funny and entertaining. There was something lacking that just made me grade it half a star off 5 Stars and felt it could have a little better. This season did what the last season didn't do and that was focus on the other characters that we see but not know anything about. I liked that they did this, but I felt it ruined the season from having an actually main story line. That was until the last two episodes. The last two episodes was the best two episodes I have watched for a finale in a long time, and if I were rating it solely on these episodes I would highly rate it 5 Stars and more if I could. I don't want to ruin the episodes for anyone who may not have seen it yet, but it was mainly centred towards the main character Leo and his sister. I also nominate Leo as best Male of 2017. I doubt a season 3 comes about, but if it does then I will 100% watch it.

When I first saw the trailer for this a few seasons ago, I honestly wasn't sure if it was going to work on screen, especially as a lot of sports Anime has been dished out recently. I was wrong to judge it though, as the first half was amazing and the last few episodes of the second half was also just as amazing. The character development of the characters especially the main character was so well done and I couldn't help but be captivated by him. He showed that even when you have no talent at something you can gain the knowledge and ability to do it. In the words of a certain someone, "Never give up". The opening songs were also good and catchy and the ending songs fitting. It was amazing to see they kept the same artists for said both. In the middle of the show, I felt like it dropped in a lot of things that made it good to start with. It didn't need to shine light to so many character over so many episodes. I wanted to see the main character and who he interacts with, not someone who I really don't care about. The animation was good, well the majority of the show was good. Long necks... That's all I need to say. If a second season got announced I would 100% be watching it.

This has to be the most underrated show I have ever watched in a long time. I know the first few episodes weren't as strong as they could have been, but if people just stuck with it, like the few that did, they would have gotten an Anime that was actually amazing in so may ways. The pacing was good, the story line interesting and the different range of characters unique. I always love a good tactician in Anime, and when I find that certain one, I end up loving the character more than I should. I was never bored in the Anime, and the twists and turns that came about kept me wanting more. I was slightly confused at time, when they were talking about war and all that, as I am not the greatest at history or war knowledge. I also felt like at times they dragged some things out over more episodes than they had to. I was slightly disappointed with the ending, but then I realised the source material is still on going and there's hope for a season two, let's hope that it comes about. I know not as many people watched this over popular shows, but for the people who did watch it, I felt like the majority of them liked this show and would love for more. So this underrated Anime get's my top spot for my Fall 2017.
Well then, Fall 2017 is now over and Winter 2018 is just around the Corner. I can't wait to be back to let you know my Top 5 of that season is.
P.S. The next Post is the big one, My Top Anime in 2017.