I went into the summer looking forward to finishing some Anime and enjoying a new dose of Anime.
Anime that disappointed me...
Peach Boy Riverside (When a director tries something but it falls flat...)

I was aware that Episode 1 wasn't going to be technically episode 1 and I was kind of prepared for it, but in the end it was just CONFUSING. All the episodes were all in the wrong order, I was always confused on what has happened or what is to happen. Forget the plot, the storyline and even the characters. If I can't FOLLOW it, I won't be hooked. Now I can talk about everything else. The plot is mediocre at best and although there was bits and pieces I felt unique, the majority of it was similar to other Anime that I have watched or at least know of. I did however enjoy some characters and also hated others. I don't like the main two characters. It's something I don't tend to say much. I am normally someone who enjoys the MC's but in this case; I just can't. I can probably say that my favourite characters are Frau (because who doesn't love bunnies) and Winnie (although she wasn't in it that much, she at least was entertaining). The opening and ending songs were good but not anything I would listen to outside of the Anime. Overall, it was an entertaining show, especially in fights but the fact remains that I was CONFUSED for the majority of the Anime.
My Rating: 3/5 Stars
Anime Planet AVG Rating: 3.4/5 Stars
RE-MAIN (An Anime I won't REmember for the sport...)

This wasn't a bad Anime; don't get me wrong, but I already took off a star for the lack of the sport it's meant to portray. The Amnesia/Drama side to it was the main element in it, but I was expecting a more 50/50 at least. I enjoyed this show, but I wouldn't say it was something that was my highlight of the week. The storyline is unique; I'll agree to that. The pacing was done really well for the most part, though some episodes did feel like they dragged and could have been cut in half. I felt so sorry for the main character, imagine having something you worked hard for, suddenly get taking away from you. The reason I don't like this character is because his attitude stinks. The animation is amazing and I really wished we saw more water action for that reason. The opening song was catchy and the ending song was pretty and fitting for the feeling we were feeling at certain episodes. Overall I really did have this Anime way too high on my expectations and that's probably why I feel so disappointed but I am glad I watched this because if anything; I did learn a lesson. Set yourself goals and even if you don't "Win" at a certain thing, if you reached your goal, you did something. Then set a new goal. Keep reaching for a goal at a time.
My Rating: 3.5/5 Stars
Anime Planet AVG Rating: 3.8/5 Stars
Other Anime that wasn't as good as I had hoped it to be:
• Tokyo Revengers – 4 Stars
I really wanted to rate this 4 1/2 or 5 but it failed to deliver in some situations.
• IDOLiSH7: Third BEAT! - 4 Stars
I rated last season the same rating. Drama still high and singing still low. They sing really well; when they get to sing.
•Higurashi: When They Cry – Sotsu - 3 Stars
I never thought it could get worse than last season, until it did. Also - Naruto/Sasuke vibes...Just why?
Moving onto the Anime that stole me away and dragged me into their world.
The Case Study of Vanitas (when vampire meets steampunk-ness France)

I have watched plenty of Vampire Anime. I got to the point where I thought; is there going to be one that does something different, something to impress me. This definitely impressed me; with the differences in the lore, how its portrayed and the unique element of having the Vampire Parallel World... not sure how else to say it. Basically it's a different version of the "normal" world; where vampires is the norm. Also vampires don't burn, sparkle or get weak in the sunlight (Hurray). There was only one weak episode (Episode 7) that I felt nothing happened and it was kind of a stupid episode to keep the series going. The fact comedy isn't a tag; is criminal. I laughed more that I should have I think; maybe. The pacing of this series was really good and the storytelling was even better. The opening song was catchy but I wouldn't listen to it outside of the Anime. The ending song is a different matter; counting down the days for the full version to be released was something I did regularly. The song is emotionally and beautifully written and sung and the fact you can listen to it in either English or Japanese is just PHENEMOMAL. I prefer the English version; but please listen to both. The main two characters have personalities that at times I despise but then at other times; I ADORE. Their bond that slowly started growing and growing is something I am enjoying but you know... something is going to go very wrong. Overall this steampunk, drama ridden show was amazing and almost perfect in every way. Roll on the 2nd half of this series.
My Rating: 4.5/5 Stars
Anime Planet AVG Rating: 4.1/5 Stars
My Hero Academia 5 (My Villain Academia was actually the highlight of the whole season)

I will never hate this franchise but I have to say if it wasn't for the "Villain" arc it would have been rated 4 Stars. I really enjoyed the Class A vs Class B section of the season; it was entertaining to see how far they have progressed and what they have to improve on. It was also really good too see the other class in action as we rarely see them. The next couple of sections/ARC's of the season was okay, but nothing spectacular. The last section/ARC was for the Villains and oh boy did I surprise myself by enjoying it. To see things from the "bad guys" perspective was quite intriguing. The fighting in this show is always great and the animation to go with it is good enough to keep me enjoying it. The two opening songs were catchy and perfect for the show and I couldn't help but sing "OOOH HEY BROTHER!!!". The first ending song was really good too and I did like the second ending but not as much as the first. Deku likes to keep us on our toes doesn't he. At least for me; I can't not love him. Even when something new happens to him and he has to learn once again; he does it quickly and he always tries to get along with everyone and be kind to everyone. I have to say that the person in the first ARC that impressed me the most was Uravity. That moment in the fight; I don't want to spoil but, watch it and you know what I mean. That moment makes her best girl for sure. Overall I did enjoy this show but I felt it had less stand out moment than the previous seasons but I am 100% hyped for the next season.
My Rating: 4.5/5 Stars
Anime Planet AVG Rating: 4.2/5 Stars
Fourth Season Rating: 5/5 Stars
Anime Planet AVG Rating: 4.3/5 Stars
Third Season Rating: 5/5 Stars
Anime Planet AVG Rating: 4.4/5 Stars
Second Season Rating: 5/5 Stars
Anime Planet AVG Rating: 4.4/5 Stars
First Season Rating: 4.5/5 Stars
Anime Planet AVG Rating: 4.3/5 Stars
Other Anime that was amazing and was just as good or even better than I had hoped:
• Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness – 4 1/2 Stars
I grew up watching my sister play it, for once I got to just sit back with her and watch it. Childhood memories are fun.
• Digimon Adventure: 2020 – 4 Stars
Not going to lie but I thought I was going to end up hating this or thinking it was too childish but in the end I fell in love and shed some tears along the way.
•Night Head 2041 – 3 ½ Stars
Don't let CG Animation put you off this Anime. It isn't the strongest of this list, but it surprised me the most and also improved the most.