Friday, 25 January 2019

My Top 20 Anime In 2018

I can't believe it's been another year of Anime and life... but mainly Anime. It's been a crazy year but also a really interesting one for Anime. I actually found a really good way to sort my Anime in order without it being to complicated. Although it was just as hard to put it in order.

Once Again, I will have no honourable mentions this year, as those are for my season posts, not my end of year. Instead though, this year instead of having Gif's on my Top 5, it will be for my Top 10.

If an Anime you like isn't on this list, it could be on my Season Top Anime Lists, which I do at the end of each season. (WinterSpringSummer and Fall). 

Without any more delay, this is My Top 20 Anime in 2018. 


20. Tokyo Ghoul:re (12 Eps) – 4 ½ Stars {Second Part: 3 ½ Stars – Avg.: 4 Stars}

I loved all the Anime on this list, and it was hard to order, but in the end I just went with my heart. I will be back with new posts soon.

Hope you enjoyed the list and don't forget to check out my Anime lists on my Anime sites which are located on the right side of my blog :) 


Wednesday, 23 January 2019

My Top 5 Anime in Fall 2018

Final Season of 2018 is now over. This season had a mix bag of stuff for me to enjoy. The ones I have on here is the ones I finished this season. My top 5 plus my honourable mention.

Unfortunately I still haven’t finished this season, but of what I have seen; it’s good, entertaining and funny. I wished I had time or had my mind set to finish this, but I have had other Anime and other stuff to do. The manager is the funniest character I've experienced recently in Anime.This is such a unique Anime; I feel if I finished this it would be a lot higher on this list. Opening song is catchy but I hate that they kept the sound effect on the opening song and the ending song is pretty. 

I really enjoyed the 1st season of :re but this season just went crazy, confusing and everything else that means I didn’t know what was going on the majority of the time. I haven’t read the Manga, but that shouldn’t stop me from enjoying it or understanding it, but it did. It was written and paced so terribly and it’s not fair, because I know how successful the manga is and how everyone was disappointed at this poor attempt at an adaptation. Why then, have I still rated it pretty high when I am talking so negative about it? For me the fight scenes that did happen, even if I didn’t know who they were, were good and very well animated. The episode with a certain romance scene was done really well and I didn’t feel awkward watching it. The ending was also really good, even if I felt it was a bit rushed.  The opening song was amazing and the ending song not really memorable for me. I think myself and others were disappointed and if ever in the future someone wants to adapt the Manga CORRECTLY then please PLEASE do.

When I read the synopsis for this; I was immediately interested in it. I didn’t want it to be the same as other Anime I have watched with the same Genre, I wanted something unique and that’s what I got. It wasn’t boring, it wasn’t cliché but it was cute and amazing. At times I did think it was going slow and it could have been at a quicker pace but other than that I loved it. The two main characters had two totally different personalities but for some reason that’s what made it work for them as a couple and for us as an audience to watch. I did find it slightly awkward on some scenes but that’s kind of expected for this kind of genre. Seeing the reality of what it is like to be in showbiz or whatever it’s called was kind of sad, as they weren’t allowed to be open etc. I adored the opening and ending song and I really fell in love with the ending animation too, as it had those two dancing…so cute. Do I think it should have a second season, I don’t know... I feel their story is complete but would I mind seeing another two characters from this season play main roles, hell yes.

I don't know what drew me into wanting to watch this, it's been a while, so I can't remember, but whatever did get me to want to watch it; I am glad i did. Was this the best Anime ever; No, but it was unique in so many ways. The storyline was in my way, so unique and different to other storylines, especially for the season. The pacing was really well done, and even in episodes that wasn't exactly the main plot, it still felt needed and relevant. In other Anime when they push the mains storyline aside, you don't really see why, or enjoy it most the times. The action scenes were done really well and the emotional scenes were done just as good. I am not the greatest comedy fan, when it comes to anything at all, whether that's in Anime or any other forms of entertainment. This Anime though managed to make me laugh in so many ways; without it being to much or too forceful like other comedy related stuff has done. The character were all developed throughout the whole show especially Doug and Kirill. The opening song was good, but the ending song stole the show, with an amazing catchy song that just fit with the show so well. I would 100% love this show to have a second season, though I don't know if it will happen. Fingers crossed.

SSSS.Gridman (12 Eps) – 4 ½ Stars 
I went into this show thinking it was going to be childish, disappointing and boring. I came out of it thinking I was so wrong with what I first thought. This Anime took me by surprise in a really good way. I fell in love with the storyline and plot development instantly and I was hooked on it by at least episode 2-3. Going from lighthearted to serious in a matter of moments doesn't work with a lot of Anime, but with this Anime it does. It worked really well. The characters were all unique and they explored their differences and they quirks to a really high level. The interactions that they all had with eachother, as a whole group or just one to one was written so well. The emotional scenes had me shocked, sad and I honestly felt my heart go out to them a few times. The Animation was really good and for a Mecha, it has to be decent at least or it get's to clunky, so I am glad they didn't fail on that. The opening song was catchy and the ending song was also really good. The only thing I didn't like was the very end scene...I am not going to spoil it, but if you have seen it, you will know what I mean. I would love a second season, but I feel it would work best with a new set of main characters but maybe the same side characters who were part of Gridman. 

When I first heard about this and read the synopsis, I was half wanting to and half not wanting to watch it, but my wanting half won, and I am so glad it did. I fell in love with the storyline, characters, music, basically everything. Waiting a week after every episode and even at one point two weeks nearly killed me as nearly every episode ended on a cliff-hanger. The pacing, action was spot on. Animation was great, and there wasn’t a scene where I was like that’s terrible and the voice acting was terrific and they definitely nailed the emotional scenes. The opening and ending songs were AMAZING and fit well with the Anime. My favourite songs were the ones sung by Survive Said the Prophet, which was the first opening and second ending. Survive Said the Prophet is my new favourite band, and it’s all thanks for banana fish that I found this band. Last but no means least, the characters… the amazing characters. The bad guys suck and I hate them but their voice actors were good at their role. Ash and Eiji were my two favourite people, along with Shorter and Sing Soo. Ash and Eiji were two opposite kind of guys, but the saying goes; “opposite attracts” and in this case they 100% were attracted to each other. Whether you like BL (Boy’s Love) or not, it was romance and no-one can tell me otherwise. I could go on, but I will leave that for a future review for now I am going to say, THIS Anime had me crying, angry, frustrated and in the end emotionally drained. Now please NO MORE Anime that gets me so frustrated. I am only joking, bring it on.

PS. please if you haven’t read the manga, read the epilogue at least in the manga, because it will give the Anime a more complete ending. 


Banana Fish was never going to be booted off 1st Place, no matter what good Anime was coming my way. So that's it... I am only joking. I am not done with 2018 yet. I still have my Top 20 Anime of 2018 coming out. Either late January or early February.

See you then.


Wednesday, 16 January 2019

I'm sorry - Delayed Posts


I am so sorry everyone. I said in my last post, that I would have my Top 5 of Fall and Top 20 of 2018 done by January. Although I still have time to post them, I am worried. I may not do both in time, so just in case. I am sorry. 

I have had a hectic time in my personal life and work life and although I have kept up with watching Anime, reviewing them and listing them; I have not. 

I will soon be back with my regular uploads and I am hoping to bring new stuff to the blog. 

Don't forgot if you want to know how I am doing with  my Anime, check my Anime Planet Profile page or my Twitter; Link's on the side of my blog. 

