So episode 2 is going to change POV for a the majority of the episode. It's time to be introduced to the female main character. Her name is "Yuuri" and quite frankly she has a rubbish home life, apart from the fact she has friends. She also wants to go back to being home due to the fact she wants to protect and help a girl who has although not mentioned out right been physically abused by her father. I could be wrong to interpret that way but from the look of "Yuuri's" face, I am right. She also suddenly got a stalker after she helped the guy by giving him a tissue and then suddenly that's the guy that causes her to die and end up in this situation. I call LIES on this whole random process. After seeing a couple of flashbacks we see her in the present finding out her ability and testing it. SUPER STRENGH...well in more detail it's "Quintuple her normal strength".
Moving onto the second part of the episode. The 1v1 battle time. Call it cliché but really. She has to verse a perverted, disgusting killer, who even TAKES his pants off to basically you know.... ruin her in all ways you can think of. His ability is something to with smelling emotions or something along those lines...not quite sure and to be honest (I don't care). He was VILE and although I call it cliché; at least with her ability she MESSED him up and made him pay for everything bad he has done. DING DING DING. She won her 1v1. I emotionally care about her but at the same time, she's not as interesting as "Akria"...not yet.
Onto the last part of this episode. "Akira" gets told to go to a different room to find 4 other people there, including "Yuuri" and the guy he defeated in the 1v1. So does that mean you don't get "Punished" until all rounds are completed or rather than it going by who wins, it goes by how well you do. I can't wait to find out more. Round 2 will start next episode and it's going to be a 5v5 battle. Although not a rubbish episode, it wasn't as good as last week and I hope this improves or else I may end up dropping this and I really wanted to go all the way.
Episode 2 Rating: 3.5/5 Stars
I don’t think I really noticed any issues with the Animation but then I also never saw anything too impressive. I think the only times I found myself paying attention to the Animation was when it’s focused on the instruments and when they are playing on stage. This show wasn’t about the animation so in my head; it did what it needed to do. The Sound was always going to be an important element in this Anime due to the Music genre. The drums, guitars etc all sound wonderful and in tune. The singing in this show is also beautiful and for some reason I feel the rawness in the singing. The feelings I experience when listening to the lyrics of a certain song is certainly something. The opening song is amazing and at first, I didn’t know the translation, so I was just going with how it made me feel and my own interpretation but then after a while I found out the English translation of the song lyrics and it made me love it even more. I love when the opening songs relate to the show and it’s not just some random song for an Anime. I also felt the ending song was pretty and emotional, especially after seeing the English translation.
The Characters were all unique but of course have one thing in common: Music. Ritsuka Uenoyama when first introduced is just an average guy, who likes Music but has lost passion in all the things he used to love. At first, I wasn’t really connecting with him but with time and progression as a character I started to connect and love him as a character. Mafuyu Sato although as with Uenoyama I didn’t relate to at first, I did love him from the moment he entered the scene. I think it was because there was a sad/mysterious backstory to him that made me want to know everything and I enjoyed his presence. Akihiko and Haruki were the other two main characters that was introduced to us. Although they were “Secondary” characters, they were just as important and enjoyable as the other two. They were likeable, unique, and very interesting. There weren’t really any characters that I hated but there was some that I found annoying. There was one girl I wasn’t impressed with when she took something too far; not going to spoil it but you will know what I mean if you watch it.
Overall, I adored this show and enjoyed the ride. The drama side to this show was what surprised me, but it was certainly a good surprise. There is also a movie out, though while watching this I didn’t know. The movie is centred more on the two main secondary characters. I feel if you enjoyed shows like Anonymous Noise or Junjou Romantica; you will most likely enjoy this one.
I wasn't going to start watching anymore "Summer" Anime but then something called me to this Anime; not sure why and after this one episode...still not sure why.
I will praise it on the fact not once in this first episode was I bored or losing interest. I was pulled into this crazy story and I wouldn't know how to leave even if I tried.
So you have this guy named "Akira" who is a gamer and very analytical and he's currently walking to school while playing "Tetris" on his phone with girls behind him talking about how he's a weirdo. Don't worry, the girls didn't hurt his feelings as he speaks in his mind that he agrees with that statement. Suddenly this random big dude jumps out of a van and just RUNS AT HIM; attacking him etc. "Akira" then steals a bike and rides off. With his quick thinking he manages to find an isolated building which is falling apart as it was in the middle of being demolished. HOW LUCKY WAS HE that a building was just there... ready for him...ready for his quick thinking. He uses his brains to defeat the enemy but then ends up being killed buy a strange, interesting "girl" named "Mion". At this point I am confused and just lost for words for what I just witnessed.
Moving onto the second part of the episode. More people like "Akira" also got attacked/killed and now there is a huge group of them. They have been killed, therefore they currently don't exist, therefore they don't have any rights etc. They get told by that "Mion" character that they all have a unique gift/power and they are basically test subjects. They also have handcuffs on them which stops them using their power unless it's unlocked. I do like the premise of the handcuffs and I do like how this whole situation is explained but WHAT THE HELL!!!!.
Onto the last part of this episode. Onto one v one fights and I do love these fights. The fight is now over. HONESTLY couldn't they have not made this fight last just a little longer. It was "Akira" and anther dude who I don't know the name of. He has a power that makes his woods stick into a sword and at this point we didn't know "Akira's". At first it really looked like the main character was going to lose but nope. He wins. His power is "Whatever your opponent thinks your ability is". Make sense of it if you can. To make it simple. He has to make someone believe a power is his power then it will become his power. In this case; he made his opponent think about someone else's ability and made it out that it was also his and then it suddenly was his and he used it to win. I REALY LOVE THIS. I don't recall a time I have seen this before in an Anime. FOR THIS and only this does it mean I will be sticking around for a journey I never thought I was going to go on.
Episode 1 Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Animation was actually really unique and although it’s not as SOLID as other Anime I have watched it did its job and I have to say the facial structures were done really well. The Sound was just as good as everything else in this Anime. The voice actors were amazing with their said roles, and I must give credit where credit is due. Even though the bad guy’s suck, they are good at voicing their disgusting personas. The opening and ending songs were amazing. All 4 songs used were perfect for the Anime and now when I hear them; I instantly thing of this Anime and the emotions come flooding back. If I had to choose a favourite opening and ending it had to be the songs sung by Survive Said the Prophet; “Found & Lost” and “Red”. The lyrics from the latter song; “Is this the sacrifice for the broken losing the purest of what's in your heart” just makes me feel things and it just hits me right in my heart.
Overall this Anime was a rollercoaster ride and it will 100% be one of my all-time favourite Anime. The character developments and amazing soundtrack was two of the main reasons why I fell in love with this Anime more than I thought I would. I highly recommend this Anime if you love Anime such as 91 Days, Yuri!!! On Ice and Durarara!! Or you just want to dive into something wild and crazy.